A trip down the south end….

We took a trip down the south end of the mainland Shetland on a beautiful night of sunshine…..had my camera in the car as I had been taken photo’s of my work up at ASF during the day.






I can’t believe I have been working in Yell for 6 weeks already and its nearly August! Where has this year gone?
I have recently set up my loom for a big length of fabric which I am weaving for the center, which will be made into interior products for them to sell.
I did some research into the past weaving industry in Shetland and found that it was really successful and I really can’t believe that the industry went into decline! The quality of the fabrics which were being made on the isles was really high, and I think it is such a shame that the past weaving industry in Shetland has sort of been forgotten or slightly over shadowed by knitting.
Although they are both equally as important to our heritage, and to the progression of textiles here on the island, I thought that it would be nice to use some of my findings as inspiration for the fabric which I designed for ASF Shetland and have tried to create a contemporary Shetland tweed.
Its been a good experience weaving samples for them, and hopefully I will get onto my own work soon. So I shall keep you updated with the progress!
Warping Up – test samples


Playing around with colour weave effects


Keeping my surrounding climate in mind for the colours



On the back beam


My favourite blue

If your up around Yell in Shetland, pop by the Studio in Sellafirth, Yell. Weaver in Residence Kirtsy Leadbetter and I will be happy to see you and will be glad to show you what we’ve been up to!